Market share of Content Management Systems

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Market share of Content Management Systems

Anyone who enters the world of website creation and maintenance will very soon find themselves faced with the choice of which Content Management System to use for the website. For many webmasters, this choice will fall on WordPress, but there are a whole bunch of other choices you can make for this as well. In this article we are going to look at the other options you have. And which Content Management System to choose for your next project. Let's get started!

The market share of Content Management Systems is not a static thing over the years, several parties have come and gone, and the numbers also vary every month or so. For a lot of different reasons, it is interesting to keep track of who is using what and how popular a CMS is. Not only is this important for marketers, but even for the average hobby site, it can make a difference in how you go about putting your website together.

Open Source Content Management Systems

The largest market share has been taken by Open Source Content Management Systems, which is software that is free to use in most places. And so can be hosted locally or with a hosting party. Since the source code can be freely downloaded and edited. Parties like us capitalize on this of course to offer the best possible packages for these open source Content Management Systems at low prices. Because of the free to use, and no additional costs, a WordPress, Joomla or Drupal website for example can be hosted at for as little as 3 euros a month. This makes this easily manageable for any starter.

WordPress and Joomla are also easy to use for beginners, there are a lot of different extensions or plug-ins and themes available that you can use to expand your website and make it your own. All without any extra coding. There are also a number of other Content Management Systems in use that make it even easier for you, however, these often do not have nearly the same amount of extension possibilities at their disposal. You are then more dependent on what is available. With Joomla and WordPress mainly, you have the choice of tens of thousands of different themes and plug-ins. So you can create something unique for each result.

For the more advanced users and webmasters, it is also possible to work with Drupal and Umbraco , these are also Content management Systems that are popular and widely used. However, often more by the business sector, a theme or appearance in these should in fact be put together yourself in most situations. And you cannot activate a different look for this with a button. This will have to be created.

The numbers also show you what is most popular in the world. For this, take a look at the image below

Market share of Content Management Systems

You can see here that WordPress still plays an important role in the market, and you see more and more place taken by the popular systems Shopify, Wix and Squarespace. Let's discuss those parties in the Closed Source Content Management Systems section below.

Closed Source Content Management Systems

What has increased more in recent years alongside the Open Source options are three parties that give you a relatively "hands off" website making experience. It's with these parties to get started creating your website in a very visual way, and you don't have to see a line of code. With an extensive process, they also already have an outline that you can expand on to give your website a start.

That, of course, is the whole revenue model of Wix, Squarespace or also Shopify. Being able to offer a website to any entrepreneur with son low threshold. This does have some disadvantages compared to an Open Source system. Let's address these.

A Closed Source solution ensures that you cannot move or transfer the website to another party. So as soon as you want to move to another party, or you want to add something that can't or conforms to the guidelines, you are further trapped in the system. An Open Source website ensures that you can go wherever you want, and completely own the website itself.

With a Closed Source solution, for example, you don't have the option to set up an adult themed website, and further sensitive issues can be taken offline without pardon. further offers you a blank canvas as hosting space and you can do with it what you prefer, as long as it is of course not illegal. So you are free to create the website you want. Without restrictions.

You are also stuck in a certain segment of costs, if the party decides to make changes and you want to keep the website, you will be forced to pay for it. Or set up the website again with another party.

Other categories and other techniques

Furthermore, in addition to Content Management Systems, both Closed and open source, there are also a percentage of websites that are not included here. These are mainly the websites developed in-house. Or that are websites that had special requests behind them from a client. To give some examples.

The techniques with which a lot of Content Management Systems are created are PHP and ASP.NET as main languages. On the background, however, every year there are more techniques that further make it a whole. From main languages like CSS, JavaScript and many more. And the various techniques that fall under these in turn. Such as Bootstrap and JQuery. always does its best to make technology available as soon as possible to use for your next project.

So get your hosting package now to get started, now for a low price you can already get started to make your website a truth!